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Všetky stránky

30. január 2007 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Duchovný život / Autor: Cristina Palici
Other languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano

He managed to inflame whomever came close to him with the same love for God and Mary. His name: ST. BERNARD of CLAIRVAUX (1091-1153), one of the fi rst Cistercian monks, third mediaeval father and last father of the Church in chronological order. He was a beacon of spiritual light that illuminated all of western Europe during the XII century.

29. január 2007 , Originally published november, 1994 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Shepherds of Church, Medjugorje in the Church, Svedectvá
Other languages: English, Italiano

On 25 August, Ivan visited Beauraing in Belgium where Mary appeared to 5 children for 33 times in 1932. Mass was celebrated by the Bishop of Namur, Msgr. Léonard. The following is from his eloquent homily.

"(...)Which are the churches that please the Lord? Crowded churches. He loves them, because a crowded church for the Lord is a prophecy of what will be at the end of time, when God’s Kingdom will be everything in everyone!

25. január 2007 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Medžugorskí kňazi, Svedectvá / Autor: Fra Leonard Orec, OFM
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano

On Sunday, January 21, 2007, was commemorated the fifth anniversary of the death of Dr. Fr. Leonard Oreč, former parish priest of Medjugorje and founder of the religious-humanitarian organization “Medjugorje-Mir”. Holy Mass was celebrated for him in the parish church. It was presided by Fr. Ivan Landeka, another former parish priest of Medjugorje and actual president of the organization “Medjugorje-Mir”, and concelebrated by the present parish priest of Medjugorje, dr. Fr. Ivan Sesar.

25. január 2007 /  Section: Posolstvá z Medžugoria - Kategória: Mesačné posolstvá / Autor: Fra Ljubo Kurtović, OFM
"Drahé deti! Postavte Sväté písmo na viditeľné miesto vo svojej rodine a čítajte ho.Tak spoznáte modlitbu srdcom a vaše myšlienky budú pri Bohu. Nezabúdajte, že ste pominuteľní ako kvet v poli, ktorý zďaleka vidno, ale v okamihu sa pominie. Milé deti, zanechajte znamenie dobroty a lásky kdekoľvek prechádzate a Boh vás požehná hojnosťou svojho požehnnia. Ďakujem vám, že ste prijali moje pozvanie. "

25. január 2007 , Originally published 15. február 2002 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Vizionári, Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic, Interview
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano

26.01.2002 – On Saturday, January 26th, 2002, in the parish church of St. James in Medjugorje, the wedding of Vicka Ivankovic from Medjugorje and Mario Mijatovic, a native from Sarajevo, was celebrated.

The marriage that was blessed by Fr. Branko Radoš, pastor of Medjugorje, the Holy Mass at which concelebrated Fr. Jozo Zovko and Fr. Ivan Landeka along with more than 20 other priests from all over the world, the wedding that attracted hundreds of friends from all over the world and more then 30 photographers and journalists, means for Vicka - the always smiling parishioner who still today has daily apparitions of Our Lady - that with her henceforth stands a man with whom she is eternally bound in love, and who will be a sure support at the service of Our Lady’s messages and the faithful, who day and night come seeking light on their Christian path.

24. január 2007 , Originally published 9. september 2002 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Medžugorskí kňazi, Úvahy / Autor: Dr. Fra Slavko Barbarić, OFM
Other languages: English, Hrvatski

In the message of September 25, 2001 [O] , Our Lady says:

« … pray and fast that God may give you peace … »

Praying and fasting for peace was the substance of the whole life of Fr. Slavko Barbaric, from the very day he entered in the service of the messages of Our Lady. In his last book: “Fast with the heart”, Fr. Slavko wrote especially on fasting and praying for peace. Let us read some passages from this book:

2. január 2007 /  Section: Picture & Photo Galleries - Kategória: Medjugorje Photos - Pictures Gallery

Images from winter times in Medugorje.

25. december 2006 /  Section: Posolstvá z Medžugoria - Kategória: Jakov
Na poslednom každodennom zjavení 12. septembra 1998 Panna Mária Jakovovi povedala, že bude mať zjavenie raz do roka a to 25. decembra, na Vianoce. Bolo tomu tak i tento rok. Zjavenie začalo 15.23h a trvalo 6 minút. Panna Mária nám dala toto posolstvo:
"Drahé deti! Dnes je veľký deň radosti a pokoja. Radujte sa so mnou. Milé deti, osobitne vás pozývam k svätosti vo vašich rodinách. Milé deti, chcem, aby každá vaša rodina bola svätá a aby božia radosť a pokoj, ktorý vám dnes Boh osobitným spôsobom posiela zavládla a prebývala vo vašich rodinách. Milé deti, dnes v tento deň milosti otvorte vaše srdcia, rozhodnite sa pre Boha a postavte ho na prvé miesto vo vašej rodine. Ja som vaša matka. Milujem vás a dávam vám svoje materinské požehnanie. "

25. december 2006 /  Section: Posolstvá z Medžugoria - Kategória: Mesačné posolstvá
"Drahé deti! Aj dnes vám prinášam novorodeného Ježiša v náručí. On, ktorý je kráľ neba i zeme, on je váš pokoj. Nik vám, milé deti, nemôže dať pokoj, len on, ktorý je Kráľ pokoja. Preto sa mu pokloňte vo svojich srdciach, zvoľte si ho a budete mať radosť v ňom. On vás požehná svojím požehnaním pokoja. Ďakujem vám, že ste prijali moje pozvanie. "

24. december 2006 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Books, Duchovný život

St. Thérèse of Lisieux

The Story of a Soul (L'Histoire d'Une Âme): The Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Entitled by herself: "The Story of the Springtime of a Little White Flower"

with additional writings and sayings of St. Thérèse

21. december 2006 , Last update 24. december 2006 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Iné / Autor: Marek Gayer


I sincerely wish to all of you, that the love of little Jesus would be reborn in your hearts, resulting in spiritual experience of joy and peace. I also wish you, that especially this Christmas time would also be the time of deep prayer of heart and sincere love and devotion towards Jesus Christ, Our Lady and God the Creator. So that in the end of this year, your hearts would be prepared to enter the New Year of 2007 with tranquility and love towards God the Creator, all his creatures and everything that is divine, holy and good.

Note: On The Christmas Day (i.e. 12/24/2006), you will find a present for you here.

20. december 2006 /  Section: Picture & Photo Galleries - Kategória: Virgin Mary Pictures

Rosary Secrets Cards with Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries.

20. december 2006

Folder with old images and traditional pictures of Jesus Christ.

20. december 2006

Folder with old images and traditional pictures of Blessed Virgin Mary.

20. december 2006 , Originally published jún, 1984 /  Section: Články a aktuality[EN] - Kategória: Vizionári, Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez, Interview / Autor: Fr. Svetozar Kraljevic

Medjugorje, February, 1983

Svetozar Kraljevic: Ivanka, you and Mirjana were taking a walk together that day. Why were you walking together?

Ivanka Ivankovic: We regularly walked together in that area. We had been at my house; then we decided to take our walk.


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