Medjugorje Website Updates - Testimonies
2015.január 25 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos
- Category:
Festival Mladifest,
Wide screen
- Part 1/4
- Part 2/4
- Part 3/4
- Part 4/4
2015.január 25 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos
- Category:
Festival Mladifest,
Wide screen,
Italian only
- Parte 1/4
- Parte 2/4
- Parte 3/4
- Parte 4/4
2015.január 25 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos
- Category:
Festival Mladifest,
Wide screen
- Część 1/4
- Część 2/4
- Część 3/4
- Część 4/4
2015.január 25 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos
- Category:
Festival Mladifest,
Wide screen
- Part 1/4
- Part 2/4
- Part 3/4
- Part 4/4
2014.november 16 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos
- Category:
Italian only,
Wide screen
Le testimonianze di Ania Golędzinowska, ex modella convertita a Medjugorje e suor Lorella, Ancona 26 ottobre 2014
2014.október 11 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos
- Category:
Festival Mladifest,
Wide screen
- Day 1, Part 1
- Day 1 - Adoration
- Day 2 Pt 1. 2014
- Day 2 Pt 2. 2014
- Day 3 Pt 1. 2014
- Day 3 Pt 2. 2014
- Day 4 Pt 1. 2014
- Day 4 Pt 2. 2014
- Day 5 Pt 1. 2014
- Day 5 Pt 2. 2014
- Day 5 Pt 3. 2014
2013.november 25 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos
- Category:
Festival Mladifest,
Wide screen
2013.október 25 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos
- Category:
Festival Mladifest,
Wide screen
Maeve Carlin was seriously wounded during World Youth Day in Madrid, sat 1 1/2 years in a wheelchair and can now walk again. Due to this accident, she has come even closer to God.
2013.augusztus 11 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos
- Category:
Festival Mladifest,
Wide screen,
Italian only
- 2 agosto - parte prima
- 2 agosto - parte due
- 2 agosto - parte tre
2013.július 7 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos
- Category:
Italian only,
Wide screen
2013.április 27 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos
- Category:
Italian only,
Wide screen
Mara Santangelo racconta a Lorela Cuccarini la sua esperienza di fede a Medjugorje.
2013.március 10 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos
- Category:
Festival Mladifest,
Wide screen
Our next lecturer, is Father Timotej Maria Pavel Vácha, a religious, a Norbertine. Among other things, he had first completed a police academy, he was an officer of the presidential guard of Prague and he had substituted his sort with a rosary. Now he is Our Lady's guard. For several years, he was also a model, and in Medjugorje he could affirm his priestly vocation.
2013.január 27 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos
- Category:
Italian only,
Wide screen
I giovani e la fede, Mara Satangelo partecipa alla puntata speciale di Matrix.