In the first part, this video is a short played adaptation, with brief informations about Medjugorje apparitions, how Our Lady appears and content of messages and their meanings.
Examples of 3 messages are then read - Messages of January 25, 2000 , June 25, 1997
and April 25, 1997
, however the English translation is slightly different then the official translation, although the content is not much distorted.
Some general comment related to content of messages is then stated - "Mary wants each of one us to convert - to go back to loving and honoring God, she points the conversion as being the condition for peace, conversion is purification of the heart which has to be clear of sin. For this reason the Blessed Virgin also asks us to confess frequently.".
The young Italian people acting in this video adaptation are of course not real visionaries of Medjugorje, and furthermore the video adaptation is even not taken in Medjugorje.
In second part, some observation related to case of a little plastic statue originated from Medjugorje and representing Our Lady Queen of Peace, which was reported to weeping tears of blood in Civitavecchia is presented.
The video ends with the message of October 25, 2000