The number of more than four hundred thousand (406,300) Holy Communions that were given during last August is more than all of the previous statistics in the last thirty years of Medjugorje. In accordance with that, the number of priests who celebrated Holy Masses in Medjugore was more than seven thousand – 7,280, in average 234 daily. The river of pilgrims continues in the first days of September as well. According to the record of Information Office there are bigger groups of pilgrims from Poland, Belgium, Slovakia, Lebanon, Spain, Argentina, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Ireland, the United States and England.
We met Fr. Frank Gindro from Denmark and asked him to share his experience with us. He said that he feels special presence of Our Lady here, “It is a feeling I did not have for a long time. I pray for people in my country that have lost hope in their lives. I will come back to Medjugorje!”
Kim Beck from the United States is in Medjugorje for the first time. She said: “I cannot describe how great I feel here. I can feel such love of God that is so evident here. I did not go to confession yet, but I will go this evening. Holy Mass is something really special here. I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and that is moving me so much. The other evening I went to the International Holy Mass and we said Rosary before the Mass. I simply do not have words to describe that emotion and love of our Lord.”
She said how that experience is important for many pilgrims: “Medjugorje is going to change hearts of people, their souls and that love of God will be given to them and they will be able to see what way they should take in their lives and then, they will witness that to the whole world. I think that we can change the world to better from Medjugorje”, said Kim.