Ivanka rođena je 21.6.1966. godine u Bijakovićima, župa Međugorje. Prva je vidjela Gospu. Svakodnevna ukazanja imala je do 7.5.1985. Tog dana, povjerivši joj desetu tajnu, Gospa joj je rekla da će tijekom cijelog svog života imati ukazanje jedanput godišnje - na obljetnicu ukazanja 25.6. Ivanka je udata, ima troje djece, s obitelji živi u Međugorju. Molitvena nakana koju joj je Gospa povjerila: za obitelji.
I would like to greet you all with the most beautiful of greetings: Praised be Jesus and Mary. I am so pleased to be here with you today and even more pleased that you are ready to hear the message of Our Lady.
For 28 years I have been asking God the very same question: Why did you choose me? I know that I was given a great grace and also I know that at the same time I was given a great responsibility.
Svetozar Kraljevic: Ivanka, you and Mirjana were taking a walk together that day. Why were you walking together?
Ivanka Ivankovic: We regularly walked together in that area. We had been at my house; then we decided to take our walk.