Youth Festival 'Mladifest', Medjugorje
Added January 25, 2015 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Testimonies, Wide screen
- Part 1/4
- Part 2/4
- Part 3/4
- Part 4/4
Added January 25, 2015 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Testimonies, Wide screen, Italian only
- Parte 1/4
- Parte 2/4
- Parte 3/4
- Parte 4/4
Added January 25, 2015 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Testimonies, Wide screen
- Część 1/4
- Część 2/4
- Część 3/4
- Część 4/4
Added January 25, 2015 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Testimonies, Wide screen
- Part 1/4
- Part 2/4
- Part 3/4
- Part 4/4
Added November 16, 2014 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Music with pictures, Wide screen
Added October 11, 2014 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Music with pictures, Wide screen
Added October 11, 2014 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Testimonies, Wide screen
- Day 1, Part 1
- Day 1 - Adoration
- Day 2 Pt 1. 2014
- Day 2 Pt 2. 2014
- Day 3 Pt 1. 2014
- Day 3 Pt 2. 2014
- Day 4 Pt 1. 2014
- Day 4 Pt 2. 2014
- Day 5 Pt 1. 2014
- Day 5 Pt 2. 2014
- Day 5 Pt 3. 2014
Added November 25, 2013 / Category: Testimonies, Festival Mladifest, Wide screen
Added October 25, 2013 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Testimonies, Wide screen
Maeve Carlin was seriously wounded during World Youth Day in Madrid, sat 1 1/2 years in a wheelchair and can now walk again. Due to this accident, she has come even closer to God.
Added August 11, 2013 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Testimonies, Wide screen, Italian only
- 2 agosto - parte prima
- 2 agosto - parte due
- 2 agosto - parte tre
Added March 10, 2013 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Testimonies, Wide screen
Our next lecturer, is Father Timotej Maria Pavel Vácha, a religious, a Norbertine. Among other things, he had first completed a police academy, he was an officer of the presidential guard of Prague and he had substituted his sort with a rosary. Now he is Our Lady's guard. For several years, he was also a model, and in Medjugorje he could affirm his priestly vocation.
Added September 2, 2012 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Wide screen
- How great is our God
- When you eat my body
- Daruj nam Mir
- Today I Choose
- Lord I lift your name on high
- Hevenu Shalom
- This is the day
- Ave Maria
Added August 26, 2012 / Category: Festival Mladifest
Added August 19, 2012 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Wide screen
Added August 12, 2012 , Last update August 19, 2012 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Testimonies, Wide screen, Italian only
- 1 agosto, apertura del Festival dei Giovani
- 2 agosto, testimonianza del giovane cantante Alexander del Messico
- 2 agosto, Anna, membro dell'Apostolato di Fatima
- 2 agosto, testimonianza di Emanuel, cantautore messicano
- 2 agosto, conversione di un americano
- 2 agosto, alcuni brani del bellissimo e prezioso coro (hanno fatto un mese di prove)
- 2 agosto, una ragazza tedesca convertita a Medjugorje
- 3 agosto, Dr. Ignaz - un medico tedesco, medico e sacerdote insieme
- 3 agosto, una famiglia croata numerosa aperta alla vita
- 3 agosto, Magnus Mac Farlane, fondatore della iniziativa Mary's Meals
- 3 agosto, Marianna, personaggio politico croato, sua testimonianza
- 3 agosto, la vocazione di un sacerdote libanese
- 3 agosto, testimonianza di conversione di un ex militare ora divenuto religioso - P. Timotej Maria Pavel Vácha
- 4 agosto - parte PRIMA
- 4 agosto - parte SECONDA
- 4 agosto - parte TERZA
- 4 agosto - parte QUARTA
- 5 agosto - parte PRIMA
- 5 agosto - parte SECONDA
- 5 agosto - parte TERZA
- 5 agosto - parte QUARTA
Added August 12, 2012 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Wide screen
Added July 15, 2012 / Category: Music with pictures, Festival Mladifest, Wide screen
Added June 29, 2012 / Category: Festival Mladifest
Added April 21, 2012 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Wide screen
- Hosanna
- Ave Maria, grazia plena-short version
- Agnus Dei
- Alleluja
- Come and fill this temple
- Gloria in execelsis Deo
- Kyrie Eleison
- Sanctus
- Resucito
- Shine Jesus shine
- Došli smo ti Majko draga
- Kyrie Eleison/Gloria
- We are marching in the light of God
- Alleluja 2
Added August 16, 2011 / Category: Festival Mladifest, Testimonies, Wide screen, Italian only